Payroll Service Bureau Reconciler
We have a proven reconciler solution for you, the payroll service bureau owner. Full service payroll service bureaus provide time saving solutions for their clients, and one important aspect of providing these services is bureau’s reconciliation. Most software service bureau reconcilers will provide their propietary reconciliation for only the SBO client activities, however, they leave out the ability to report these transactions amongst the P&L and G/L numbers that help see the bottom line for your service bureau.
TenCon Business Solutions has integrated the need for client transaction reconciliation and service bureau accounting by converting ALL transactions into a format for QuickBooks® and your bank download to complete the reconcilation.
Once this software is deployed into your daily closeout, only 12-20 minutes daily, the SBO will then have a complete view of their trust accounting and SBO accounting inside of QuickBooks®. NO more rekeying, no more guessing and all in a 3 step process:
- Import daily transactions into TenCon Reconciler
- Download bank transactions
- Watch it match in QuickBooks®
Simple, effective and reconciled for the SBO peace of mind.
By downloading the TenCon Reconciler you agree to the terms in ourSoftware License Agreement.
The Reconciler has two prerequisites, if you need these prerequisites you can get them by clicking the buttons below.
Microsoft .NET 4
QuickBooks® SDK Version 12